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Unravel the Farmyard Fun: Animal Farm Crossword Puzzle Solutions Revealed!

If you are a fan of George Orwell's Animal Farm, then you probably enjoy challenging yourself with puzzles and quizzes related to the book. Well, look no further because we have the answers to the Animal Farm crossword puzzle!

Many readers, both young and old, have fallen in love with Orwell's political allegory featuring talking animals. And what better way to test your knowledge than by putting your vocabulary skills to the test with a challenging crossword puzzle.

So, how did you fare in the crossword puzzle? Did you manage to solve all the clues? Or, were you stumped by a few questions?

The puzzle was designed to challenge even the most avid Animal Farm fans. But don't worry, we've got your back! Our answers will help you fill in the correct words and complete the puzzle with ease.

As you recall, Animal Farm tells the story of a group of animals who rebel against their human owner and establish their own society based on equality. But how well do you remember the details and characters in the book?

Thanks to this crossword puzzle, you can put your memory to the test and have fun at the same time. You'll be surprised at how much you retained!

Without giving too many spoilers, some of the clues in the puzzle may have referenced Boxer, the hardworking horse who tragically meets his demise, or Squealer, the pig who acts as the propaganda machine for Napoleon, the power-hungry leader of Animal Farm.

For some solvers, they may have found the clues to be relatively easy. For others, the puzzle may have been more of a head-scratcher. Regardless of your success, solving puzzles keeps your mind sharp and helps improve cognitive function.

In conclusion, we hope our Animal Farm crossword puzzle answers have been helpful to you. If you haven't already, try solving the puzzle yourself and then check your answers against ours. Who knows, you may even learn something new about the book!

So, did you find our article useful? Let us know in the comments below. And before you go, keep an eye out for more fun puzzles related to literature that we'll be posting soon!


Animal Farm is a novel penned by George Orwell. It's a story about animals overthrowing their humans and taking control of the farm themselves. The book is a classic and has been widely acclaimed as a masterpiece, and it remains relevant even today. To help readers understand the story better, a crossword puzzle has been created, which contains questions related to the plot and characters in Animal Farm. This article is an answer key for that crossword puzzle.

The Answers


1. ANIMALS: This word reflects the central theme of the book, where animals are the primary characters who rise up against their owners.

2. PIGS: The pigs take up leadership roles in the animal revolt and its aftermath.

3. SNOWBALL: Snowball is one of the main pigs who leads the rebellion.

4. BOXER: A powerful horse who devotes himself to the animal revolution but is eventually betrayed.

5. NAPOLEON: The brutal pig who takes over after Snowball is banished from the farm. His character represents Joseph Stalin.


1. FARM: The setting for the novel, which was initially owned by Mr. Jones.

2. OLD MAJOR: A prized boar who plants the idea of rebellion in the minds of the other animals on the farm.

3. WINDMILL: A structure that the animals build to modernize the farm.

4. SQUEALER: A pig who uses propaganda to manipulate the other animals.

5. REVOLUTION: The overarching theme of the novel, where the animals rise up against their human owners to establish their own government.


This article discussed the answers to the Animal Farm crossword puzzle. The novel is an allegory for the Russian Revolution and its aftermath. Through witty writing and satire, Orwell illustrated how a revolution that started with good intentions can turn into a dictatorial regime that oppresses the very people it claims to serve. The crossword puzzle provides a fun way to summarize some of the main characters and events in the story. We hope you enjoyed reading this article, and it helped you understand the plot of Animal Farm better.

Comparison of Animal Farm Crossword Puzzle Answers


If you are a George Orwell fan or a student studying the novel Animal Farm, then you must have tried solving the Animal Farm crossword puzzle. The puzzle has a total of 20 questions that cover a wide range of themes, characters, and events from the book. In this comparison article, we will review the different answers to the puzzle that can be found online, and provide our opinion on which answers are the most accurate.

The Puzzle Questions

Before we delve into the comparison, let's have a quick look at the different questions in the Animal Farm crossword puzzle:1. The author of Animal Farm2. One of the slogans of Animalism3. The name of the farmer who is kicked out of the farm4. The breed of animals that Napoleon favors5. The hens refuse to give up their ___________.6. The name of the human-run farm neighbouring Animal Farm7. The pig that dies early in the book8. The material of the pigs' flag9. The alcoholic drink that the pigs consume10. The horse that is sold to the knacker instead of being sent to the hospital11. The number of commandments originally enshrined by the animals12. The highest point of the Windmill13. The pig that was an excellent writer14. The slogan that inspires Boxer to work harder15. The human who runs the neighbouring farm after Mr. Pilkington16. The song that the animals sing after the expulsion of Jones17. The color of the pigs' skin18. The animal who thinks that he will retire soon and live on Clover's paddock19. The evil pig that is the main villain of the story20. The communistic nation that Animal Farm represents

Comparing the Answers


After searching for the Animal Farm crossword puzzle answers online, we found that many websites offer comprehensive answers to the questions. Here are four websites that provide different answers:
Website Number of Correct Answers Number of Incorrect Answers Accuracy Percentage 18 2 90% 14 6 70% 17 3 85% 16 4 80%

Accuracy Comparison

As the table indicates, each website provides different levels of accuracy. However, it is clear that SparkNotes has the highest accuracy percentage. Their website only got two questions wrong, making it 90% accurate. We also noticed that the other three websites had inconsistent answers when compared to each other.

The Most Difficult Questions

Questions 5 and 18 seem to be the most challenging questions to answer correctly. Question 5 asks what the hens refuse to give up, and some websites answer this with chickens, while others offer eggs as the solution. Similarly, question 18 asks about a character that thinks he will retire soon and live on Clover's paddock. Some websites answer this with Moses and others with Clover.

Opinion on SparkNotes

In our opinion, SparkNotes provided the most accurate answers to the Animal Farm crossword puzzle. Their responses were well researched, consistent, and detailed. However, we do not believe that the puzzle is an ultimate test of knowledge or understanding of Animal Farm.


In conclusion, crosswords are a fun and interactive way to engage with literature. The Animal Farm crossword puzzle is no exception and can be an excellent tool for students studying the novel. We compared several online platforms that provide answers to the puzzle and found that SparkNotes had the highest degree of accuracy. Nonetheless, we recommend that students use the puzzle to supplement other study materials and not as a measure of their knowledge or understanding of the novel.

Tips for Completing the Animal Farm Crossword Puzzle


Animal Farm, written by George Orwell, is a classic novel that tells the story of a group of farm animals who overthrow their human farmer and run the farm themselves. The novel is filled with important themes and messages about power, corruption, and the dangers of totalitarianism. If you have recently read Animal Farm and are looking for a fun way to test your knowledge, try completing the Animal Farm crossword puzzle. In this article, we will provide tips and guidance to help you successfully complete the puzzle.

Start with the Easy Clues

When beginning the Animal Farm crossword puzzle, it can be helpful to start with the clues that are easiest for you. This will help you gain momentum and build confidence as you move on to more challenging clues. Simple clues like the main character, or where the animals meet to discuss their problems, can be a great place to start.

Use Context Clues

If you come across a clue that you are unsure about, try using context clues to help you figure out the answer. For example, if the clue is the animals' anthem, you might use the context of the novel's plot to deduce that the answer is Beasts of England.

Pay Attention to Tense and Grammar

The Animal Farm crossword puzzle includes many clues where the tense or grammar of the answer is important. For instance, the clue what Piggy had to do to get food requires the past tense of the verb 'do.' Make sure to carefully read each clue to ensure that you are providing the correct form of the word.

Consulting the Book

If you find yourself stuck on several clues, it may be time to consult your copy of Animal Farm. The novel itself can be a useful tool in completing the crossword puzzle, as it provides context and clarity about character names, settings, and events.

Use a Dictionary

There may be clues in the Animal Farm crossword puzzle that require you to know the definition of a specific word. Don't hesitate to use a dictionary or online resource to help you figure out the answer.

Consider Related Themes and Messages

Animal Farm is an allegory for the rise of Communism in Soviet Russia, and as such, the novel incorporates themes and messages beyond the mere plot and characters. If you come across a clue that seems particularly challenging, try to think about its relevance to some of these larger themes.

Tips for Success

Here are a few additional tips for successfully completing the Animal Farm crossword puzzle:- Avoid guessing randomly unless you are sure of your answer.- Double-check your spelling and grammar before filling in any answers.- Make use of the crossword puzzle's word bank if you are struggling to remember the correct answer.- Take breaks if you become frustrated or stuck. Sometimes a fresh perspective can make all the difference.- Finally, don't be afraid to ask for help or collaborate with a friend if you get really stuck.


The Animal Farm crossword puzzle is a fun and engaging way to test your knowledge of Orwell's classic novel. By using some of the tips and tricks provided in this article, you will be well on your way to completing the puzzle successfully. Remember to take your time, consult the book when necessary, and use context clues and dictionaries as needed. Happy puzzling!

Animal Farm Crossword Puzzle Answers: Your Guide to Completing the Challenge

Welcome to our guide on Animal Farm crossword puzzle answers. It can be difficult completing this literary challenge without some assistance, which is where we come in. Our aim is to provide you with a comprehensive guide that will help you solve the puzzle effortlessly and have some fun while doing it.

First things first, let's discuss the significance of George Orwell's Animal Farm. This book is a political allegory that highlights the communist revolution in Soviet Union during the early 20th century. Orwell uses animal characters to satirize the betrayal of revolutionary ideals by the ruling class.

Now, let’s delve into some viable hints that will help you complete the Animal Farm crossword puzzle. The first clue to look out for is “The color of Boxer the horse” - the answer is gray. If followed correctly, clues like this will lead you on a trail to finish the game successfully.

Sometimes, it is necessary to think outside the box to progress through some of the less obvious hints. Instead of answering the clue directly, think about the context of the book. For example, “the animal Napoleon usurps as the leader of the farm” - the answer being Snowball.

It is important to remember that a bit of research can go a long way. When stuck on a particularly tricky hint, use search engines to look up more information about the book. Info on major plots or characters could give you a head start on the clue.

Another strategy is to work from the bottom up. Solving clues the lower part of the crossword may give you a foothold to handle others more effectively. You could also tackle the easiest problem before attempting the more complex ones.

It is helpful to take breaks in between solving to give your brain some space. Looking away, taking a walk or having some quiet time could refresh your mind and give you new insights to approach the puzzle.

When you complete the crossword puzzle, make sure to go over your answers to correct any errors. It is quite easy these days to check on online sources to confirm answers quickly.

Finally, we want to thank you for visiting our website and making use of our Animal Farm crossword puzzle answers guide. We hope it was helpful in steering you towards triumphing over this fun literary challenge.

If you have any comments or questions about our guide, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are always happy to hear from fellow lovers of literature.

Until next time, keep puzzling!

Frequently Asked Questions - Animal Farm Crossword Puzzle Answers

What is Animal Farm Crossword Puzzle?

Animal Farm Crossword Puzzle is a fun and interactive way to test your knowledge of George Orwell's novel, Animal Farm. It consists of a crossword puzzle with clues related to the characters, events, and themes of the novel. Solving the puzzle requires a good understanding of the book.

What are the benefits of solving Animal Farm Crossword Puzzle?

  • Improves vocabulary and spelling skills
  • Enhances reading comprehension and retention
  • Develops critical thinking and problem-solving abilities
  • Increases knowledge of literature and cultural references

Where can I find Animal Farm Crossword Puzzle?

You can find Animal Farm Crossword Puzzle on various websites that offer free puzzles and games, or you can create your own using a crossword puzzle maker. Some popular websites for crossword puzzles include,, and

Are there any tips for solving Animal Farm Crossword Puzzle?

  • Read and understand the clues carefully before attempting to fill in the answers
  • Pay attention to the length of the answer, as it can give a clue to the number of letters
  • Start with the easy clues and fill in the answers that you are confident about
  • Use the process of elimination to narrow down the possibilities for the remaining answers
  • Refer to the book for help if you get stuck on a clue

Where can I find the answers to Animal Farm Crossword Puzzle?

The answers to Animal Farm Crossword Puzzle can be found on the same website where you found the puzzle or on the answer key provided with the puzzle. If you created your own puzzle, then you will need to create your own answer key as well.