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Unleash Your Inner Animal: Unravel the Lyrics to Nickelback's Hit Song

Are you a fan of the Canadian rock band, Nickelback? If so, then you've probably heard their hit song Animals. This song was released as a single in 2005 and received widespread popularity due to its catchy lyrics and hard-hitting sound.

The lyrics of Animal revolve around the theme of sexual desire. It's a song that's meant to be played loudly and proudly, encouraging listeners to let loose and embrace their primal instincts.

With lines like I'm driving home this evening, I could feel your breath, the song paints a picture of a lustful encounter between two people. The chorus, We're animals, we're animals, just like animals, echoes this sentiment and adds to the overall intensity of the song.

What sets Animals apart from other songs of its time is its heavy use of metaphor. The verses are filled with comparisons to wild animals, such as Your skin is begging to be kissed by a little more than sunlight and You can't tame a wild heart, no matter how you try.

The song's bridge is particularly noteworthy, as it features lead singer Chad Kroeger delivering an intense spoken word performance. He talks about the dangers of giving into temptation, warning listeners that You only live once, so you gotta make the most of it.

But beyond its sexually charged lyrics and head-banging beat, Animals is also a testament to the band's talent as musicians. The song features powerful guitar riffs, thunderous drums, and Kroeger's signature raspy vocals.

According to statistics, Animals stayed on the Billboard Hot 100 chart for 20 weeks and peaked at number 19. It also reached the top 10 in several other countries, including Canada and the United Kingdom.

If you're looking for a song to get your blood pumping and your heart racing, then Animals is the perfect choice. It's a song that reminds us of our primal instincts and encourages us to embrace them with open arms.

So what are you waiting for? Turn up the volume, let out your inner animal, and rock out to Nickelback's Animals.

In conclusion, Animals by Nickelback is not just another rock song about love and lust - it's a powerful anthem that speaks to the beast within all of us. Its lyrics, imagery, and overall sound make it a must-listen for anyone who loves hard-hitting rock music. So go ahead and give it a listen - you won't regret it!

The Meanings behind the Lyrics to Animal by Nickelback

Canadian band Nickelback has been serving rock anthems since 1995. Today, they have amassed numerous awards and recognition, making them one of the most successful rock bands in the world. One of their hit songs, Animal, was released in 2005. It contains a simple yet addictive melody that people can't seem to help but sing along to. But aside from its catchy tune, let's uncover the multiple meanings buried within its lyrics.

The First Verse

The song kicks off with the lines I'm just like an animal, and I'm trapped in your parked car. The verse talks about the lustful attraction between two people. It describes how their physical urges take control, much like how an animal would act on its instinct. Being trapped in a parked car could also symbolize being restrained or confined in a situation with someone, possibly hinting at the internal struggle of controlling one's desires.

Animalistic Desires

The chorus of the song goes, You can't keep me here, I'm too young to die. I'll run away, you see, I need my privacy. The words speak for themselves, as the protagonist yearns for his freedom despite his inner animalistic desires. He knows he should break free before things get out of hand, knowing the consequences of giving in to his desires.

The Bridge

The bridge of the song takes a slightly different tone as it speaks of being hunted by someone. It goes, And I can smell your scent from miles, just like animals. Are we human? Or are we dancer? This part may seem out of place, but it was actually inspired by a Hunter S. Thompson quote that goes, “We’re raising a generation of dancers.” It leaves an open interpretation, mainly questioning society's values and morals, and if we are truly living our lives free from societal pressures and expectations.

The Second Verse

The second verse takes a more graphic approach as it talks about the physical aspects of giving in to animalistic desires. It goes, So what would it take? What would it take to make you see? I'd make you feel alive. I'd make you fall in love with me. I'd shout it from the rooftops of your town. The lines describe the lengths the protagonist is willing to go to win over the other person, such as showing them a good time or proving their love. He would even announce it to the world, basking in the rush of his desire.

The Final Chorus

Finally, the song ends with the repetition of the chorus, emphasizing the protagonist's inner conflict and the need for freedom. Despite his animalistic desires, he knows he needs to be in control before it consumes him entirely.


The lyrics to Animal paint a picture of the internal struggle of balancing our human and animalistic sides. The desire for physical attraction can be enticing, but it's essential to recognize the consequences before delving in too deep. Aside from its alluring melody, the song provokes deeper thought into how our internal struggles link to our animalistic tendencies. It speaks of individuality, freedom, and the importance of self-control in the face of temptation.

Comparing the Lyrics of Animal by Nickelback


Music is an art form that allows us to explore a wide range of emotions. The lyrics of a song can often resonate with us, forming a connection between the artists and the audience. In this blog post, we will be comparing the lyrics of the song Animal by Nickelback.

Song Overview

Animal was released in 2005 as the lead single from Nickelback's fifth studio album All the Right Reasons. The song topped the charts in several countries and has since become one of the band's most iconic hits. The song's lyrics are about living in the moment and giving in to our primal instincts.

Musical Style

The musical style of Animal is typical of Nickelback's sound, featuring heavy guitar riffs and powerful vocals. The chorus is particularly catchy, with the repetitive line I'm an animal being used as a hook throughout the song.

Lyric Analysis

Verse 1: I'm through with standing in line / To clubs we'll never get in

The first verse of the song sets the tone for the rest of the lyrics. The narrator feels trapped in the mundane routines of everyday life and wants to break free from them. This sentiment is likely relatable to many listeners who feel stuck in a rut at times. The mention of clubs also suggests a desire for social acceptance and a need to fit in, which is a common theme in popular music.

Chorus: So I'll be your beast / And burden / My back is breaking / But still we're taking / All the risks that life / Could give us

The chorus of Animal is the most memorable part of the song, with its simple yet effective melody. The lyrics continue the theme of living for the moment and embracing our wild side. The use of the word beast suggests a primitive nature, while burden implies a willingness to take on challenges. The line my back is breaking is a metaphor for the weight of responsibility that comes with taking risks.

Verse 2: The sweat drips down my spine / And my hands are shaking / Cause you've got me on your radar / And I'm doing nothing to save it

The second verse builds on the idea of being caught up in the moment, with visceral imagery such as sweating and shaking. The line you've got me on your radar suggests that the narrator is attracted to someone who is playing hard to get. Despite this, they are still willing to take risks and let themselves be vulnerable.

Bridge: God, it feels like we're going to war / And I would give anything / To keep you away from harm

The bridge is where the emotions of the song reach a climax. The mention of war suggests a sense of danger and urgency, while the desire to protect someone else reveals a softer side to the narrator's character. This part of the song is particularly powerful because it shows that even when we are giving in to our primal instincts, we still have the capacity for empathy and compassion.


Lyric Analysis
I'm through with standing in line / To clubs we'll never get in This lyric expresses a dissatisfaction with mundane routines and a desire to break free from them.
So I'll be your beast / And burden / My back is breaking / But still we're taking / All the risks that life / Could give us The chorus reinforces the theme of living for the moment and embracing our wild side, while acknowledging the risks involved.
God, it feels like we're going to war / And I would give anything / To keep you away from harm The bridge shows a softer side to the narrator's character, revealing an empathy and willingness to protect someone else even in the midst of reckless behavior.


Overall, the lyrics of Animal by Nickelback are a powerful reminder to embrace our primal instincts and live life to the fullest. The song speaks to a common desire to break free from mundane routines and take risks, while also acknowledging that there is a price to pay for doing so. What sets this song apart is its ability to balance a sense of urgency and danger with moments of vulnerability and emotion. Animal is a modern classic that continues to resonate with audiences worldwide.

Understanding the Lyrics to Animal by Nickelback - A Step-by-Step Guide


Nickelback is a Canadian rock band that has produced some of the most well-known and beloved songs in modern rock history. One of their standout performances is the song Animal, which is a complex and layered work that explores themes of desire, temptation, and animalistic behavior. If you are a fan of this song but have struggled to fully understand its lyrics or context, then you are in the right place! In this blog post, we will break down the lyrics of Animal and help you to understand this song more deeply.

Paragraph 1:

The first verse of Animal sets the tone for the entire song and establishes its central theme of desire: I'm through with standing in line to clubs we'll never get in / It's like the bottom of the ninth and I'm never gonna win. The lyrics suggest that the protagonist is tired of playing by the rules and is ready to indulge in his carnal desires without restraint.

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The second verse continues this theme of unbridled desire, as Nickelback frontman Chad Kroeger sings: She's got me going like nobody / Ever don't talk, just hold me closer, let me know you're mine. These lyrics convey a sense of urgency and intensity, suggesting that the protagonist is willing to do whatever it takes to satisfy his cravings.

Paragraph 3:

The chorus of Animal is perhaps the most well-known part of the song. It features the memorable lines: I want to be your animal / Let's pretend we're hypocrites / Let's pretend we're bored of it. The lyrics here suggest that the protagonist wants to give in to his base instincts and abandon all semblance of civilized behavior.

Paragraph 4:

The bridge of the song is where things get even more intense. Kroeger sings: It's too late, there's no escape / You can't wait, I'll take you down. These lyrics convey a sense of inevitability and loss of control, suggesting that the protagonist has fully given in to his animalistic desires.

Paragraph 5:

But what does all of this mean? What is Nickelback trying to say with this song? At its core, Animal is a meditation on the danger of giving in to our primal desires. The lyrics warn us that if we let our animal instincts take over, we risk losing control and doing things we regret.

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Of course, the song also celebrates the raw, carnal energy that comes with unbridled desire. It is a tribute to the power of physical attraction and the way that it can make us feel alive and invigorated.

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When you listen to Animal, it's important to focus not just on the lyrics but also the instrumentation and production. The song is characterized by heavy guitar riffs, pounding drums, and a relentless energy that perfectly captures the intensity of the emotions being expressed.

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If you want to truly appreciate Animal, then you should take the time to listen to it in different contexts. Try listening to it in your car while driving fast down an open road, or while working out at the gym. Each setting will provide a different perspective on the song's lyrics and energy.

Paragraph 9:

In conclusion, Animal is a powerful and layered song that explores the complexities of desire and the risks of giving in to our animalistic urges. By breaking down the lyrics and analyzing their meaning, we can gain a deeper appreciation for this classic work of modern rock.

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Ultimately, Animal is a testament to the power of music to evoke raw emotions and connect us to our deepest desires. Whether you're a fan of Nickelback or just curious about what all the fuss is about, give this song a listen and let yourself be transported by its powerful energy and evocative lyrics. It's sure to leave you feeling alive and invigorated, just like any great work of art should.

Lyrics to Animal by Nickelback

Animal by Nickelback is a classic rock song released in 2005. It is one of the most popular songs from their All The Right Reasons album and has been a fan favorite for over a decade. The song's catchy lyrics have resonated with people all over the world, and it's no surprise that it still gets played on the radio and at live shows.

The song tells the story of a man who has met a woman that he is completely infatuated with. He compares her to an animal and expresses that he wants to hunt her down and be with her. While some may see the lyrics as a little bit provocative or suggestive, they are undoubtedly catchy and have helped make Animal one of Nickelback's most iconic songs.

One of the main reasons that Animal has resonated with so many fans is because of how relatable the lyrics are. Many people have experienced the feeling of being head over heels for someone and just wanting to be with them all the time. The animalistic language used in the song adds an extra level of intensity to the feelings being expressed, making it even more powerful.

The chorus of the song is one of the most recognizable parts, with Chad Kroeger singing, I'm driving black on black, just got my license back / I've got this feeling in my veins, this train is coming off the track. These lines perfectly capture the urgency and passion in the song's message - this man is completely consumed by his desire for this woman.

However, despite the intensity of the lyrics, there is also an underlying vulnerability present in the song. When Kroeger sings, It's not like every time we talk / I'm asking her to come back home with me, it shows that he knows that there is more to a relationship than just physical attraction.

Another memorable line from the song is, I want to be your animal. This line perfectly captures the raw, primal emotion that is present in the song. Kroeger is expressing that he wants to tap into that wild energy that exists between two people who are completely into each other.

The bridge of the song adds an extra layer of depth to the lyrics, with Kroeger singing about how he knows that he should probably slow down and take things a little bit easier. However, he also admits that he can't help himself when it comes to this woman. The line, It's taking over me, I'm losing sight / I'm like a deer in the headlights, perfectly captures how powerless he feels in the face of his emotions.

Ultimately, Animal by Nickelback is a classic rock song that has stood the test of time. Its powerful lyrics and catchy chorus have made it a staple of rock radio and live shows for over a decade. Fans of the band will likely keep singing along to this song for years to come - after all, who doesn't love a good, catchy rock anthem?

So, if you're a fan of Animal, keep blasting it out loud whenever it comes on the radio! And if you haven't listened to it in a while, give it another spin - you might just find yourself getting caught up in the lyrics all over again.

Thanks for reading!

People Also Ask about Lyrics To Animal By Nickelback

What is the meaning behind the lyrics to Animal by Nickelback?

The song Animal is about a man who is obsessed with a woman and cannot resist his animalistic desire for her. The lyrics describe his need for her, as well as his inability to control himself around her.

What inspired Nickelback to write the song Animal?

Lead singer Chad Kroeger has said that the song was inspired by a chance encounter with a woman who made him feel like an animal. He has stated in interviews that he felt an intense physical attraction to this woman, and that their chemistry was undeniable.

What does the chorus of Animal mean?

The chorus of the song features the lyrics I'm an animal, you're an animal too. This line is meant to emphasize the primal, animalistic nature of the man's desires towards the woman, and implies that she feels the same way about him.

What was the reception like for Animal when it was released?

Animal was a commercial success for Nickelback, reaching the Top 10 on several major music charts and receiving significant airplay on radio stations around the world. However, some critics decried the song's lyrics as sexist and objectifying towards women.

What other songs are similar to Animal by Nickelback?

If you enjoy the hard rock sound and sexual lyrics of Animal, you might also enjoy other Nickelback hits like Figured You Out, Something in Your Mouth, or Burn It to the Ground. Fans of the genre might also appreciate songs by bands like Shinedown, Three Days Grace, or Theory of a Deadman.

  • Overall, Animal by Nickelback is a sexually charged hard rock song about a man's animalistic desire for a woman.
  • The song was inspired by real-life experiences lead singer Chad Kroeger had with a woman who made him feel like an animal.
  • Animal was a commercial success for the band, but some critics accused the lyrics of being sexist and objectifying towards women.
  • If you enjoyed the song, you might also appreciate other hard rock hits by Nickelback, as well as similar bands in the genre.