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Step-by-Step Building Instructions for FLL Animal Allies: Master Your Robotics Skills Today!

Are you a LEGO enthusiast and an avid animal lover? Then the FIRST LEGO League (FLL) Animal Allies building instructions are perfect for you! This year's FLL competition theme is all about improving the interactions between animals and humans. With this goal in mind, the FLL Animal Allies building instructions provide plenty of opportunities to learn and build while solving real-world problems.

The FLL Animal Allies project requires building a robot that can perform tasks related to animal welfare. But fret not if you're new to robotics – the instructions are easy to follow, step-by-step guides that cater to all levels of experience. You can choose from three different sizes of robots, each one with a varying degree of difficulty. The instructions detail the parts needed and provide clear illustrations on how to assemble the robot.

One great feature of the FLL Animal Allies building instructions is that they integrate technology with animal care. The robots can perform tasks such as feeding animals, planting crops, and environmental cleanup. By participating in this project, you're not only honing your skills in robotics, but you're also learning about animal conservation and sustainable living.

In addition to providing building instructions, the FLL Animal Allies program also offers online resources such as tutorials and tips on how to improve robot performance. Moreover, the website hosts a community forum where you can ask questions, share your experiences, and connect with fellow enthusiasts. The program also allows you to compete with other teams, culminating in a global competition that challenges teams from around the world to solve animal-related problems.

Why not make your FLL Animal Allies project even more exciting by involving a group of friends or classmates? Forming a team is not only fun, but it also increases your chances of success in the competition. Collaborating with others allows you to brainstorm ideas and develop strategies that cater to everyone's strengths. Working in a group also fosters teamwork skills and encourages creativity.

But the benefits of FLL Animal Allies building instructions don't end there. The program can also be integrated into various aspects of education. Teachers can use this as an opportunity to teach science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) topics in a fun and interactive way. Additionally, students can develop problem-solving skills, critical thinking, and perseverance while working on the project.

For parents, the FLL Animal Allies building instructions provide an excellent avenue for bonding with their children. With parental supervision, even younger children can participate in the project. It's a great way for parents to introduce their children to robotics, animal welfare, and environmental sustainability.

So, are you ready to take on the FLL Animal Allies challenge? Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned LEGO enthusiast, the building instructions provide an excellent learning opportunity. Not only will you gain experience in robotics, but you'll also learn about animal conservation, sustainable living, and teamwork. Remember, failure is just an opportunity to learn and try again – let's build some robots!


FLL Animal Allies is one of the most exciting and engaging robot building competitions for students aged 9 to 16 years. This year's challenge focuses on using robots to solve real-world animal issues. Students are tasked with designing and building a robot that can help animals in the environment. But before you can start this task, you need to learn how to build your robot with these building instructions.

The FLL Robot Kit

The robot kit is the first thing any FLL team needs to purchase. The FLL robot kit contains all the necessary parts and components for building a robot that complies with the competition standards. But before you start building, you need to familiarize yourself with the various types of parts contained in the kit like gears, axles, motors, etc.

Building Your Robot

Once you have an understanding of the parts, you can start to build your robot. Building the robot can be done in multiple stages. The first stage is the basic assembly of the robot frame that is designed to hold all other components in place. The robot frame should be sturdy enough to support motors and sensors. Ensure that all parts are aligned accurately and securely attached.

Motor Attachment

The next step is to attach the motors. Motors power your robot and dictate its movements. Use standard motor-blocks to attach your motors to the frame, while also making sure they are appropriately positioned. Ensure that the motors are secure and do not wobble. Wobbly motors can lead to unstable robot movements and make autonomous robotic movements unpredictable.

Sensor Attachment

After attaching the motors, the next step is sensor attachment. Sensors help guide the robot to move in a stable and defined way. Sensor attachments are essential because they help the robot detect objects and move without bumping into things. Ensure that you position the sensors accurately so that they detect what they are supposed to without detecting irrelevant objects.

Programming Your Robot

After building your robot, you need to program your robot system. Robot programming can be done via various platforms. Still, NXT and EV3 brick-based programming modalities are favored by most teams. In the software you select, write a program that would enable your robot to accomplish the competition's assignments who knows, a well-programmed robot could yield high points for your team.

Testing Your Robot

Once you're done with programming, testing your robot is essential. Testing helps identify any errors in your robot system and ensures they are corrected. Test the various movements of your robot using the program's testing panel, then evaluate the robot performance by dragging available measures to the performance screen. This helps determine if your robot conforms to the tasks' requirements.

Final Check-Up

Before submitting the robot, ensure that you perform a final check-up. Conduct a last-minute inspection of all the parts, motors, sensors, and wiring to ensure everything is where they are meant to be, securely fastened. It's advisable to do this after running the robot system test, ensuring the robot functions properly.

In Conclusion

Building an FLL Animal Allies Robot might seem daunting at first, but with the right building instructions, patience, and attention to detail, you can create a highly functional robot. Gather your team to cooperate and come up with the best solutions, this not only helps improve your teamwork but enables each member to display individual skills, commitment, and creativity. Use these instructions to help guide you through the process of constructing your robot and enjoy the task. Good luck!

FLL Animal Allies Building Instructions: A Comprehensive Comparison Guide


Are you a FIRST Lego League (FLL) team member or coach looking for the best building instructions for your Animal Allies challenge project? Look no further! In this article, we'll compare and contrast some of the most popular FLL building instructions available online. From Brick Owl to LEGO Education to The NXT STEP, we've got you covered.

Brick Owl


- Free and easily accessible
- Includes step-by-step instructions with detailed pictures
- Offers various project options for different skill levels
- LEGO-compatible parts lists are available


- Not officially endorsed by FLL
- Limited community support and resources
- May not meet all challenge requirements


If you're on a budget or prefer to DIY your own parts, Brick Owl's instructions offer a great starting point. Just be aware that there may be compatibility issues or challenges meeting all of FLL's specifications.

LEGO Education


- FLL-endorsed materials and company
- User-friendly website and instructions
- Provides video and written guides
- Detailed lesson plans to supplement instructions
- Accessible through EV3 software platform


- Can be expensive for some teams
- May not be as flexible or creative as other options
- Additional EV3 hardware may be needed for some projects


If your team has access to the necessary equipment and funds, LEGO Education is a trusted resource backed by the FLL organization. The detailed guides and supplemental materials make it a valuable investment.

NXT Programs


- User-driven design and sharing community
- Offers a range of project options
- Multilingual instructions available
- Encourages innovation and customization


- Not officially endorsed by FLL
- Requires NXT or EV3 kit for compatibility
- May require more coding and programming knowledge


If your team enjoys creating their own designs and modifying existing builds, NXT Programs is a great choice. However, teams without much coding experience may find the learning curve to be steeper than other options.

Comparison Table

Resource Cost FLL Endorsed Community Support Coding Required
Brick Owl Free No Low No
LEGO Education $$$ Yes High No/Mild
NXT Programs Free No Medium-High Mild-Medium


Ultimately, the best FLL building instructions for your team will depend on your budget, technical knowledge, and the level of community support you seek. However, we hope this guide has given you a better idea of what each option has to offer. Good luck with your Animal Allies project!

FLL Animal Allies Building Instructions: Tips and Tricks


If you're looking to participate in the FIRST Lego League (FLL) Animal Allies challenge, then building an effective robot is crucial. A well-designed robot can give you an edge over other competitors, but it can be challenging to build one, especially if you're new to FLL. This article provides tips and tricks for building effective robots for the Animal Allies challenge.

Understand the challenge

To build a successful robot, you need to understand the challenge first. The Animal Allies challenge requires you to use your robot to complete several missions related to conserving and helping animals. Before you start building your robot, make sure you read and understand the challenge rules, as well as the missions you'll need to complete.

Use high-quality materials

One of the biggest mistakes beginners make is using low-quality or damaged lego parts. Using damaged parts can lead to the robot malfunctioning during a competition. Always use the highest quality lego parts available to create a sturdy and stable robot.

Plan ahead

Before you start building, take some time to plan out your robot design. Consider the types of missions you'll need to complete, and brainstorm ways to utilize your robot's capabilities to best serve these challenges. This will save time in the long run and allow you to build an effective robot quickly.

Create a robot with modular parts

One of the most effective ways to build a robot is to use a modular design. That means you can easily swap out parts and change the robot's configuration based on the missions required. This not only saves time, but it also makes it easy to troubleshoot and fix any problems that may arise.

Practice driving your robot

Once your robot is built, it's important to practice driving it. The more you practice, the more comfortable you'll be during a competition. You can also identify any issues that may arise and address them before the competition.

Consider using sensors

Using sensors can make your robot more effective. Sensors can help your robot identify and locate objects or animals required for completion of the missions. Consider using light sensors, touch sensors, ultrasonic sensors, and even gyro sensors to make your robot more autonomous and effective.

Use programming effectively

Programming is an essential component of building an effective FLL Animal Allies robot. You should continually refine your programming as you build your robot. Make sure you test your code extensively before a competition so that unexpected surprises don't throw you off.

Learn from other builders

One of the best ways to improve your robots' design and performance is to learn from other FLL builders. Attend robotics competitions, join online forums, and social media groups to learn from others who have experience building robots for the Animal Allies Challenge.

Attend workshops and seminars

Make sure to attend workshops and seminars offered by the FIRST Lego League program. This can help you improve your skills and ask questions about building effective robots.


Building a robot for the FLL Animal Allies challenge can be challenging, but with these tips and tricks, you can create an effective robot that performs well on the competition day. Remember to plan ahead, use high-quality materials, build a modular robot, and learn from other builders and experts. With patience and dedication, you'll be able to build the perfect FLL robot!

Building the Perfect FLL Animal Allies Robot: Step-by-Step Instructions

Welcome to our comprehensive and easy-to-follow guide for building the best FLL Animal Allies robot possible. We know that FLL competitions can be a source of intense competition and pressure, and we want you to be fully prepared to succeed. This guide will give you all of the information you need to build a reliable and efficient robot that can help you take on any challenge.

Before we start, it's important to understand some basics about the competition itself. FLL Animal Allies is a robotics challenge that focuses on designing autonomous robots to complete tasks related to animal conservation and protection. The game field contains various obstacles and challenges that robots must navigate to accomplish tasks such as feeding animals, cleaning up their environments, and delivering necessary supplies.

Now, let's get into the specifics of building your robot. First, you'll need to choose the right components to use. We recommend starting with a good set of wheels, as these will allow your robot to move quickly and efficiently across the game field. You'll also need to select motors, gears, and sensors that are appropriate for the specific challenges you'll face during the competition.

Once you have your components, it's time to start building your robot. Begin by constructing the frame, which should be sturdy and durable enough to withstand the rigors of the competition. Next, attach the wheels and motors to the frame, carefully aligning them to make sure your robot moves smoothly.

After creating the basic structure of your robot, it's time to add the sensors. These are essential for ensuring that your robot can accurately detect and respond to different obstacles and challenges. Sensors can include ultrasonic sensors for distance measurement, color sensors for detecting different hues and colors, and touch sensors for detecting contact.

With your sensors in place, it's time to program your robot. This is where you'll need to employ some creative thinking and problem-solving skills to design a code that allows your robot to function autonomously. Your code should be optimized for the challenges you think you'll face during the competition, and it should also incorporate contingency plans in case things go wrong.

Once you've programmed your robot, it's important to test it thoroughly to make sure it can accomplish its tasks efficiently and accurately. Practice as much as possible on different surfaces and under different conditions to ensure that your robot will perform well in any situation.

If you're feeling stumped or unsure about how to proceed at any point during the building process, remember that there are many resources available to you. You can consult with other team members, coaches, mentors, and online forums to get tips and advice.

Finally, when it comes time for the competition, don't forget to have fun! Remember that the goal of FLL is not just to win, but also to learn and have a rewarding experience while doing so. Enjoy the opportunity to test your abilities, collaborate with others, and learn new skills.

We hope this guide has been helpful in preparing you for the FLL Animal Allies challenge. Remember to stay focused, be creative, and keep your goals in mind as you work towards building the perfect robot. Good luck!

- The FLL Animal Allies Building Instruction Team

People Also Ask About FLL Animal Allies Building Instructions

What is FLL Animal Allies?

FLL Animal Allies is a FIRST Lego League challenge that enables children to explore and find solutions to animal issues. It involves building and programming LEGO-based robots to complete missions related to animal welfare and environmental sustainability.

Where can I find FLL Animal Allies building instructions?

FLL Animal Allies building instructions can be found on the official FIRST website or on the LEGO Education website. You can also check online forums and blogs for additional resources.

Do I need any special tools or equipment to build FLL Animal Allies projects?

No, you do not need any special tools or equipment. The building instructions use standard LEGO pieces that are commonly found in LEGO sets.

How do I ensure that my FLL Animal Allies project is competition-ready?

To ensure that your FLL Animal Allies project is competition-ready, you should follow the official FLL guidelines and regulations. Additionally, you should test your robot and make sure that it can complete all of the required missions within the time limit.

Can I modify the FLL Animal Allies building instructions?

Yes, you can modify the FLL Animal Allies building instructions to create your own unique robot design. However, you should keep in mind that any modifications may impact the robot's performance on the field. It is important to thoroughly test your modified robot before competing.

Are there any tips for building FLL Animal Allies projects?

Yes, here are some tips:

  1. Read the instructions carefully and double-check each step before moving on.
  2. Sort your LEGO pieces into different compartments to make it easier to find what you need.
  3. Test each mission separately to ensure that your robot can complete it consistently.
  4. Practice programming your robot to perform the missions in the most efficient way possible.
  5. Collaborate with your team members and share ideas to come up with the best solutions.