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The Significance Of Red Doors On Churches

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The sight of a red door on a church is quite a common one. It is often seen as a symbol of protection, welcome, and life. But, what is the real meaning behind red doors on churches? In this article, we will explore the significance of red doors on churches, what it symbolizes, and why it is still used today.

What is the Significance of Red Doors on Churches?

The significance of red doors on churches dates back centuries. It is believed that red doors symbolize the blood of Jesus Christ, signifying his sacrifice and protection over his followers. This symbolism has been used since the early Christian church and is still used to this day. Red is a warm and inviting color, so it was also used to welcome people into the church.

The red door also symbolizes the entrance to the church. It is a way of showing that the church is open and welcoming to anyone who wishes to enter. It also serves as a reminder to those who see it that the church is a place of safety and refuge.

The History of Red Doors on Churches

The use of red doors on churches dates back to the early Christian church. In the 4th century AD, Emperor Constantine ordered the painting of red doors on Christian churches in order to protect them from harm. This tradition continued for centuries and is still practiced in many churches today.

It is also believed that the use of red doors on churches may have been inspired by the Bible. In the book of Revelation, it is written, “...and he that overcometh, and keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations: And he shall have a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it.” This passage is thought to refer to the protection of the church, which is symbolized by the red door.

Why Red Doors are Still Used Today

Red doors on churches are still used today for a variety of reasons. For many churches, it is a symbol of welcome and protection. It serves as a reminder to those who pass by that the church is a safe and inviting place to come. For some, it is also a symbol of the Christian faith and a reminder of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

Another reason why red doors are still used on churches is because it is a beautiful and eye-catching color. Red is vibrant and can draw people’s attention, making it a great way to advertise the church and invite more people in.


The sight of a red door on a church has a deep significance that dates back centuries. It symbolizes the blood of Jesus Christ and his sacrifice, as well as a welcome and protection for those who enter. Red doors are still used on churches today for these reasons, as well as for their eye-catching color and ability to draw people’s attention.