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Unleash Your Inner Beast with Animal Three Days Grace Lyrics: Complete Verses and Meaning Decoded

Are you a fan of Three Days Grace and their hard-hitting rock music? Do you find yourself singing along to their anthemic tracks? If so, then you need to pay attention to the lyrics of their song Animal.

From the very first verse, this track grabs your attention with its powerful imagery:

I must confess, I'm addicted to thisShove my nose in shit, won't you come and get itI, I'm gonna make you, I'm gonna break youI'm gonna make you a fucking psycho

The lines are dark, evocative, and unforgettable. They set the tone for the rest of the song, which is all about embracing one's inner animal and breaking free from society's constraints.

Animal is a raw, primal track that speaks to our most base instincts. It's about giving in to our impulses and pursuing what we want, no matter the cost:

I can't help myself, I love the way it feelsDon't you blame it on me when you fall off that hillI'll be living proof, oh, you love the way it feelsStart it out, let it get away, yeah

The chorus is especially catchy, with its driving beat and memorable hook:

You're an animal, don't take anything lessOut of control, you're out of controlStrike those chainsThis love is a blazeI saw flames from the side of the stage

The lyrics urge us to let go of our inhibitions, to embrace our wild side and live life to the fullest. It's a message that resonates with many fans of the band, who are drawn to their intense, no-holds-barred approach to rock music.

But for all the song's ferocity, there are moments of vulnerability as well.

I can make you feel aliveI can take you homeI can show you things you've never seen beforeYou're better than a drugYour love is like wineFeel you comin' on so fast, feel you comin' to get me

Here we see the singer offering themselves up as a guide, promising to lead the listener to new heights of experience and sensation. It's a seductive, intoxicating idea, and one that fits perfectly with the song's overall themes of indulgence and excess.

No matter how you interpret the lyrics of Animal, one thing is clear: this song is a powerful statement about embracing your innermost desires and living life on your own terms.

So if you're looking for a dose of raw, unapologetic rock music that speaks directly to your primal instincts, look no further than Three Days Grace's Animal. This is a song that demands to be heard, and once you've listened to it, you'll never forget its haunting, unforgettable melody.

Don't hesitate - give Animal a spin today and discover for yourself why this track has become such a beloved anthem for fans of hard rock everywhere.

About Three Days Grace

Three Days Grace is a Canadian rock band that formed in 1997. Their music is characterized by raw and emotional lyrics, heavy guitar riffs, and catchy melodies. For over two decades, they have been one of the most successful rock bands in the world, with millions of albums sold and numerous hit songs.

The Song 'Animal I Have Become'

One of Three Days Grace's most popular songs is 'Animal I Have Become.' Released in 2006, it is a powerful and haunting track that resonates with many listeners. The song features dark and introspective lyrics that explore themes of anger, self-loathing, and redemption. In this article, we will take a closer look at the lyrics of 'Animal I Have Become,' analyzing their meaning and significance.

Verse 1

I can't escape this hell
So many times I've tried
But I'm still caged inside
Somebody get me through this nightmare

The opening lines of the song set the tone for what is to come. The narrator is trapped in a metaphorical 'hell' that they cannot escape from, no matter how hard they try. They feel 'caged inside' and are desperately seeking a way out. This sense of helplessness and desperation is a recurring theme throughout the song.


I can't control myself
So what if you can see the darkest side of me?
No one would ever change this animal I have become
And we can't be responsible
Cause I'm not the one who's so far away
When I feel the snake bite enter my veins

The chorus of the song is perhaps its most memorable part. It features a catchy melody and powerful lyrics that tap into the narrator's feelings of anger and frustration. The line 'no one would ever change this animal I have become' reveals the narrator's deep-seated belief that they are irreparably damaged and cannot be redeemed.

Verse 2

I've been lied to, betrayed
Fruits of trust have rotted away
I've been lied to, betrayed
But I'm still coming back to you

In the second verse, the narrative takes a darker turn. The narrator reveals that they have been 'lied to' and 'betrayed,' which has caused their trust in others to wither and die. Despite this, they continue to return to the source of their pain and torment, as if unable to escape from their own destructive cycle.


How can I have gone so far?
How can I have fallen so low?
How can I have gone so far?
How can I have fallen so low?

The bridge of the song is a repeated refrain that emphasizes the narrator's sense of hopelessness. They are asking themselves how they could have fallen so far and become such a damaged and broken person. The repetition of these lines underlines the cyclical and repetitive nature of their struggles.

Final Thoughts

'Animal I Have Become' is a deeply introspective and emotional song that deals with difficult themes and emotions. The lyrics offer a glimpse into the mind of someone who feels trapped and helpless, and who is struggling to break free from their own destructive habits. Despite its dark tone, the song also offers a glimmer of hope, suggesting that there may be a way out of this psychological prison.

In conclusion, 'Animal I Have Become' is one of the most powerful and enduring songs in Three Days Grace's catalog. Its raw honesty and emotional intensity have resonated with millions of listeners around the world, making it a true classic of modern rock music. Whether you are struggling with your own demons or simply looking for a powerful and cathartic listening experience, this song is well worth checking out.

Animal Three Days Grace Lyrics: A Comparison


Three Days Grace is a famous Canadian rock band known for their hard-hitting lyrics and powerful music. One of their most popular songs is “Animal,” which has garnered millions of streams and views on various platforms. In this article, we will compare the original version of the song with its acoustic counterpart and discuss the similarities and differences between the two.

Song Meaning

“Animal” is a song about embracing one’s primal instincts and letting go of societal constraints. The lyrics urge listeners to break free from their mundane lives and surrender to their wild side. The lines “I can feel it in my bones / Enough to make my systems blow” emphasize the primal nature of the song and its intentions. The acoustic version of the song retains the core message but is presented in a more subdued and introspective manner.

Instrumental Comparison

The original version of “Animal” features electric guitars, drums, and bass, creating a powerful rock sound that is sure to get the listener’s blood pumping. The acoustic version, on the other hand, incorporates acoustic guitars and minimal percussion, resulting in a more mellow and intimate sound. Both versions feature strong vocal performances by lead singer Adam Gontier, with the acoustic version putting more emphasis on his emotive delivery.

Lyrics Comparison

Despite having the same lyrics, the original and acoustic versions of “Animal” differ in how they present them. The original version relies on an aggressive and confrontational tone, with lines like “You make me wanna act like a girl / Paint my nails and wear high heels, yes you” delivered with a snarling intensity. The acoustic version tones down the aggression and presents the lyrics in a more vulnerable and sincere manner. Lines like “You make me feel alive / And I love it” are sung softly, giving the words a deeper emotional resonance.

Vocal Comparison

As previously mentioned, both versions of “Animal” feature strong vocal performances by Adam Gontier. However, the two versions differ in the vocal styles employed. The original version leans more towards a traditional hard rock sound, with Gontier utilizing growls and shouts to convey the song’s message. The acoustic version draws from a wider range of vocal techniques, with Gontier showcasing his ability to deliver sensitive and emotive performances.

Mood Comparison

The mood of “Animal” varies depending on which version you listen to. The original version is energetic, aggressive, and unapologetic. It’s a song that demands attention and urges listeners to let go of their inhibitions. The acoustic version, on the other hand, is more introspective and melancholic. It’s a song that explores the emotions and desires that “Animal” touches on but does so in a more subdued and restrained manner.

Production Comparison

There’s a noticeable difference in production values between the original and acoustic versions of “Animal.” The original version has a fuller and richer sound, with multiple layers of instruments and vocals blended together seamlessly. The acoustic version, in contrast, has a simpler and more stripped-down production, with an emphasis on the natural sounds of the instruments and Gontier’s vocals.

Rhythm Comparison

The rhythm of “Animal” is one of its defining features, with a driving beat that propels the song forward. The original version has a more frenetic rhythm, with quick guitar riffs and pounding drums. The acoustic version slows things down, with a more laid-back rhythm that lets the lyrics and vocals take center stage.

Sound Quality Comparison

Both versions of “Animal” have excellent sound quality, with clear and crisp instrumentation and vocals. The original version has a more polished sound, with a slick production that enhances the overall listening experience. The acoustic version, on the other hand, has a raw and unfiltered sound that adds to the song’s intimacy and emotional impact.

Opinion Comparison

In my opinion, both versions of “Animal” are excellent in their own right and offer something different to listeners. The original version is a classic hard rock anthem that gets the blood pumping and the fists pumping. The acoustic version, meanwhile, is a touching and heartfelt rendition that showcases the band’s versatility and musical talent. Which one you prefer ultimately depends on your personal taste and mood.


Comparing the original and acoustic versions of “Animal” shows just how versatile and talented Three Days Grace truly is. Both versions offer something unique and memorable, and it’s up to individual listeners to decide which one resonates with them the most. Regardless of which version you prefer, there’s no denying the power and importance of this iconic song.

Tips and Tutorial for Understanding the Animal Three Days Grace Lyrics


Animal by Three Days Grace is one of the most popular rock anthems of all time. Released in 2009, the song instantly captured the hearts of fans with its angsty and aggressive lyrics. However, deciphering the meaning behind these lyrics requires some understanding of the band's writing style and use of metaphors. In this article, we will provide tips and insights on how to understand the Animal Three Days Grace lyrics.

Understanding the Metaphors

The first step in understanding the Animal Three Days Grace lyrics is to analyze the metaphors used in the song. Metaphors are a fundamental element of poetry and songwriting and add depth to the meaning of the lyrics. In this song, the narrator uses animalistic metaphors to describe their primal instincts and impulses.

The Title

The title, Animal, is itself a metaphor, symbolizing the raw emotions that underlie human nature. It is a portrayal of the primitive side that exists within each of us.

Verse 1

In the first verse, the singer illustrates his desire to break free from society's expectations and restraints. The lyrics, I'm just a step away, I'm just a breath away, depict the tension that builds as we try to push our limits and move beyond what we believe is possible.


The chorus of the song is where the animal metaphor is the most apparent, with the line So what if you can see the darkest side of me? implying that there is a hidden animalistic side to everyone.

Verse 2

In verse two, the lyrics I smell like a gun, I taste like a razor suggests self-destructive behavior as the singer describes himself as a weapon.

Synthesizing the Lyrics

Once we have an understanding of the metaphors used in the song, it becomes easier to synthesize the meaning behind the Animal Three Days Grace's lyrics. It is a song about releasing oneself from society's expectations and constraints and accepting the beast within.

Embracing Our Animal Instincts

The song suggests that the animalistic side, often thought of as negative aspects of human nature, should be celebrated instead of suppressed.

Individuality versus Conformity

The song contrasts the individuality and conformity, illustrating how many suppress their true natures to conform to society's expectations.


In conclusion, the Animal Three Days Grace lyrics are rich with metaphors and symbolism that provide a deeper meaning to the song. This tutorial has provided insights into interpreting the lyrics by analyzing the metaphors and synthesizing the meaning, which promotes embracing our primal selves, living an authentic life, and recognizing the tension between individuality and societal pressures. So next time you listen to the song, you can appreciate more the lyrical genius of Three Days Grace.

Animal Three Days Grace Lyrics: An Insight into the Song

Three Days Grace, a Canadian rock band, has always been known for their edgy and powerful music. One of their hit songs, Animal, is a perfect example of their unique style. The song is about the animalistic side of human behavior and how it can take over in certain situations. In this blog post, we'll dive into the lyrics of Animal and discuss their meaning.

Firstly, let's delve into the opening lines of the song, I can't escape this hell, so many times I've tried. But I'm still caged inside. These words are alluding to the feeling of being trapped in one's own thoughts and emotions. The protagonist is struggling to control their inner animal, and it's taking a toll on them.

The chorus of the song goes, So what if you can see the darkest side of me? No one will ever change this animal I have become... Help me believe it's not the real me. This part of the song brings out the artist's vulnerability and displays the struggle between who we are and who we think we are. It reveals the fear that one's animal side might be the true self and the desperate plea to hold onto one's humanity.

Further, the lyrics suggest that there is no escape from one's inner demons. One line says, It's just beneath the skin. I must confess that I feel like a monster. The words reflect the shame an individual feels for not being able to control their animalistic behavior. They're aware that they're hurting people around them, and yet they can't help it, causing them to feel as though they are a monster.

As the song progresses, it talks about the struggle to keep the animal side at bay, I feel it deep within. It's just beneath the skin. I must confess that I feel like a monster. The lyrics reveal that although one tries hard to control their animal instincts, they will always be there, lurking under the surface, waiting to come out.

Animal is a song that displays raw emotions and vulnerability. The words speak to the inner demons everyone has and to the fear of letting them out. The power of the lyrics lies in their ability to make the listeners introspect and confront their own animal.

It's not just the words but also the music that gives the song an edge. The heavy drums, the electric guitars, and Adam Gontier's distinct voice all combine to create a musical masterpiece. The intense music matches the intensity of the lyrics, making the song an instant hit.

In conclusion, Animal is a song about human nature, our innate instincts, and the eternal struggle to control them. We all have a dark side that we try to keep hidden from the world, but sometimes it takes over. Three Days Grace's Animal helps bring that struggle to the forefront and shows that it's okay to feel like a monster sometimes.

So next time you listen to Animal, don't just nod your head and enjoy the beat. Dive deep into the lyrics and explore your own animal.

Thank you for taking the time to read this blog post. Keep following us for more insightful articles like this one.

People also ask About Animal Three Days Grace Lyrics

What is the meaning behind Animal by Three Days Grace?

The song Animal by Three Days Grace is all about the primal and carnal instincts of humans, hidden beneath the surface of civilisation. The lyrics of the song refer to these instincts as the animal within us that drives us to do things we wouldn't normally do, in the name of passion and desire.

What inspired Three Days Grace to write Animal?

According to Three Days Grace lead singer, Adam Gontier, the inspiration for Animal came from a personal experience. He shared that he was at a party where he witnessed someone he knew transform into an entirely different person, driven solely by their animalistic desires.

What album is Animal by Three Days Grace on?

Animal is one of the tracks on Three Days Grace's third studio album, Life Starts Now, which was released in 2009. It was the band's first album to top the Canadian Albums Chart and was certified platinum in Canada and the United States.

What genre of music is Three Days Grace?

Three Days Grace is primarily known for their hard rock and alternative metal sound, characterized by heavy guitar riffs, high-energy drums, and powerful vocals. However, they have also been classified as post-grunge, nu-metal, and alternative rock over the years.

Have Three Days Grace won any awards for their music?

Yes, Three Days Grace has been recognized for their music over the years. They have won several awards, including the Billboard Music Award for Rock Song of the Year in 2007, the Juno Award for Rock Album of the Year in 2010, and the iHeartRadio Music Award for Rock Artist of the Year in 2019.

What are some of Three Days Grace's other popular songs?

Some of Three Days Grace’s other popular songs include:

  1. I Hate Everything About You
  2. Pain
  3. Never Too Late
  4. Animal I Have Become
  5. Riot
  6. Break
  7. Just Like You
  8. World So Cold
  9. The Mountain
  10. Chalk Outline